Hello, and welcome to University of Babylon

My name is Dr. Hassan H. Alrehamy

I am the Head of I.T operations in University of Babylon

If you are a foreign body (individual or organization) and need any assistance in matters of cultural or public relations regarding the University of Babylon, then I am the right person to contact.

Additionally, should you need any type of identity verification, please contact me on:

Mobile: +964-7803678193

Work Email: h@uobabylon.edu.iq

Personal Email: hassan.alrehamy@yahoo.com

Postal Address:

University of Babylon
Al-Najaf St.

please check my authorization letter.

This page URI: https://alrehamy.uobabylon.edu.iq

This website URL: https://www.uobabylon.edu.iq

if the domain name parts in the above links are not identical, then it is highly likely the page you are viewing is some sort of data phishing.